Monday, March 7, 2016

The four levels of organization to describe location of electron

  1. Principal energy level: describes in very general terms how far away form the nucleus an electron can be found. It is given the symbol n
  2. Sub level: there are four different sub levels called s, p, d, and f.
    • The first principal energy level has only one sub level called the 1s
    • The second principal energy level has two sub levels called 2s and 2p
    • The third principal energy level has three sub levels called 3s, 3p, and 3d
    • the fourth and all subsequent principal energy levels have four sub levels
       3. Orbitals: The s sub level contains only one orbital, which is shaped like a sphere. The p sub                 level contains three orbitals, which are shaped like dumb-bells and are oriented around the x,                y, and z axis. The d sub level contains five orbitals and the f sub level contains seven orbitals        4. Spin: each orbital can hold two electrons, each with opposite spins. One has an upward spin,                 and the other has a downward spin.

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